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Welcome to DWe

A message from Don Lombardi, Drum Workshop Founder and Chief Product Officer

Play Welcome to DWe

Welcome to the DW family!

Adding electronics to your toolkit is going to transform your sound to places even we never imagined possible. We developed DWe with innovative technology, sounds, and software that are designed to bridge the gap between acoustic and electronic drums like never before. We can't wait to see how you will express yourself in new and unimagined ways.

Let's Get Started

Patty Ann Miller playing DWe Drums

Unboxing Your Kit

Get introduced to your new DWe kit

Play Unboxing Your Kit

DWe Connects to Your Computer

To use DWe, you need to connect your drums to a computer and install DW Soundworks™. DW Soundworks is a powerful software platform that is infinitely expandable to allow you to play and customize the world's best drum sounds. 

When you buy DWe, DW Soundworks is included at no additional cost. Your license key is included in the box on the start card. DW Soundworks is available for download through Roland Cloud Manager.

DW Soundworks™ System Requirements

System RequirementsMinimumRecommended
CPUQuad-Core i5 (PC) | 2019 Intel (Mac)Quad-Core i7 (PC) | M2 (Mac)
OSWindows 10x | MacOS 11xWindows 11x | MacOS 13x
HD Storage (SSD)256GB1TB
External HD ConnectionUSB 2.0 | Thunderbolt 2USB 3.0 | Thunderbolt 3
DAW Plug-In FormatAAX | VST2 | VST3 | AUAAX | VST2 | VST3 | AU

DW Soundworks™ Storage Specifications

ApplicationStorage Needed
DW Soundworks with Core Library Expansion Packs60 GB
Additional Space Needed for Installation40 GB
External SSD for Core Library Expansion Pack (optional)60 GB (approximately)

Set Up DW Soundworks™

DW Backstage Account Log In or Create An Account

Step 1

Create An Account

Your DW Account is also your Roland Account. Creating an account gives you access to software downloads, product registration, customized support, and more. An account is required to download the DW Soundworks™ software. Click on the link below to sign up for or sign in to your DW Account.

Roland Cloud Manager

Step 2

Download Roland Cloud Manager

Click on the link below to download the Roland Cloud Manager to activate, download, and install the DW Soundworks™ software application and the DW Soundworks™ core sound library pack to your Mac or PC computer.

Step 3

Install DWe Software

Once you have installed Roland Cloud Manager, locate the start card included in your box. Enter the Product Activation Key in the designated field to validate your purchase and begin the download process.

The DW Soundworks application also includes the DWe Control app to connect (pair) your drums and cymbals. The DWe Control app allows you to adjust the triggering parameters as needed. See the DW Soundworks™ user guide for details.

Your download of DW Soundworks™ also includes the core library. The core library gives you access to 6 expansion packs including classic DW Drums sounds limited edition DW kits, and more.

Connect Your Drums To DW Soundworks™

Step 4

Pair Drums Wirelessly

Time to connect your wireless drums and cymbals to the DrumLink wireless USB hub so the drums and cymbals can talk to the DW Soundworks™ app. It’s just like connecting your earbuds to your phone, quick and simple.

Step 5


After you’ve paired your kit, you’ll want to calibrate the triggers so the drums and cymbals can perform perfectly when you play.  Think of it as the electronic version of seating a drumhead on a drum.

DW Soundworks software

Step 6

Choose Your Sound

Pick a kit from our core library presets to start playing right away. From classic DW Drums Pure Maple to limited edition and vintage kits, customize your sound to any playing situation.

Make It Yours

Pick a Kit

Choose from a variety of preset kits from the core library as a starting point.

Play Pick a Kit

Customize It

Use DW Soundworks™ to customize the sound of each drum and cymbal to your unique taste.

Play Customize It

Expand Your Library

Install DW Soundworks™ Expansion Packs for even more customizable sound options.

Play Expand Your Library

DW Soundworks™ Expansion Packs

Shop DW Soundworks Expansion Packs

DW Soundworks Tips & Tricks

Need some help? Start by watching our how-to videos to see how to perform common tasks with DWe and DW Soundworks™.

DW Soundworks

How-To Use DW Soundworks

A complete walk through of the powerful customization tools built into DW Soundworks.

Play DW Soundworks

Overview - DW Soundworks Tutorial

A general overview of all the controls, parameters, and functions of DW Soundworks. This will get you familiar with the software making it easy and intuitive to use.

Overview - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Show video controls


Play Presets - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Presets - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Play Favorites - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Favorites - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Play Setlists - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Setlists - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Play Kit Designer - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Kit Designer - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Play Advanced Mappings - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Advanced Mappings - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Play FX Modules - DW Soundworks Tutorial

FX Modules - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Play Grooves - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Grooves - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Play Instrument Designer - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Instrument Designer - DW Soundworks Tutorial

DWe Control

DWe Control Settings

Fine tune your trigger settings with a step by step guide to DWe Control.

Play DWe Control

DWe Control Overview

Join Jonathan Weinmann as he gives you an in-depth overview of the DWe Control software. From initial pairing and calibrating of your new DWe kit to advanced controls that will customize your DWe kit to match your playing style. The SoundWorks software and Collectors series shells are the heart and soul of the DWe kit, but the Control software is definitely the brain.

DWe Control Overview

Show video controls


Play DWe: Pairing and Calibaration

DWe: Pairing and Calibaration

Play DWe: Trigger Settings

DWe: Trigger Settings

Play DWe: Hi-Hat Optimization

DWe: Hi-Hat Optimization

Play DWe: Trigger Firmware Updates

DWe: Trigger Firmware Updates

Play DWe Drums Velocity Curves and Dynamic Range

DWe Drums Velocity Curves and Dynamic Range

Play Connecting External Drum Modules

Connecting External Drum Modules

Play DWe Drums MIDI Maps

DWe Drums MIDI Maps

Play DWe Drums Advanced & Options Settings

DWe Drums Advanced & Options Settings

Play DWe Drums Hit Log

DWe Drums Hit Log

DWe & Drum Modules

DWe & Drum Modules Tutorials

DWe & Drum Modules

Step-by-step instructions on how to use your DWe drum kit with electronic drum modules.

Play DWe & Drum Modules

Connect DWe to the Roland V71 w/DrumLink

This step-by-step walkthrough will help you connect your DWe Drums to the Roland V71 module via the DrumLink wireless hub. Whether you’re setting up your DWe kit for the first time or integrating a new V71 module, this narrated video walks you through all V71 module screens to pair and calibrate your drums and cymbals, adjust settings and sounds, and get you playing quickly.

Connect DWe to the Roland V71 w/DrumLink

Show video controls


Play Connect DWe to the Roland TD-50x w/DrumLink

Connect DWe to the Roland TD-50x w/DrumLink

Play Connect DWe to the Roland TD-27 w/DrumLink

Connect DWe to the Roland TD-27 w/DrumLink

Get Help

Take a deep dive into our Knowledge Base to find answers to commonly asked questions, or open a support ticket to talk with a DWe product expert.

Explore more

DWe Drum Sets

DWe Drum Sets

Acoustic. Electronic. All DW.

DWe Add-On Drums

DWe Add-On Drums

Expand your possibilities.

DWe Cymbals

DWe Cymbals

Authentic feel. Completely wireless.



DW Drums. Now virtual.



Built to last.

DWe Accessories

DWe Accessories

Upgrade your setup.

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