DWe and DW Soundworks Tips & Tricks.
Learn how you can transform your sound with DW Soundworks and an infinitely expandable library of authentic drum sounds.
Say hello to DWe.
DWe combines the first-ever acoustic-electronic convertible drums equipped with authentic DW sounds, groundbreaking wireless innovation, and the handcrafted drum shells that have made DW The Drummers Choice® since 1972.

Getting Started with DWe
Tips & Tricks to get you playing quickly

A Spectrum of Sound
Introduction to DW Soundworks™
DW Soundworks

How-To Use DW Soundworks
A complete walk through of the powerful customization tools built into DW Soundworks.
Overview - DW Soundworks Tutorial
A general overview of all the controls, parameters, and functions of DW Soundworks. This will get you familiar with the software making it easy and intuitive to use.
DW Soundworks

Overview - DW Soundworks Tutorial
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Presets - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Favorites - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Setlists - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Kit Designer - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Advanced Mappings - DW Soundworks Tutorial

FX Modules - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Grooves - DW Soundworks Tutorial

Instrument Designer - DW Soundworks Tutorial
DWe Control

DWe Control Settings
Fine tune your trigger settings with a step by step guide to DWe Control.
DWe Control Overview
Join Jonathan Weinmann as he gives you an in-depth overview of the DWe Control software. From initial pairing and calibrating of your new DWe kit to advanced controls that will customize your DWe kit to match your playing style. The SoundWorks software and Collectors series shells are the heart and soul of the DWe kit, but the Control software is definitely the brain.
DWe Control

DWe Control Overview
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DWe: Pairing and Calibaration

DWe: Trigger Settings

DWe: Hi-Hat Optimization

DWe: Trigger Firmware Updates

DWe Drums Velocity Curves and Dynamic Range

Connecting External Drum Modules

DWe Drums MIDI Maps

DWe Drums Advanced & Options Settings

DWe Drums Hit Log
DWe & Drum Modules

DWe & Drum Modules
Step-by-step instructions on how to use your DWe drum kit with electronic drum modules.
Connect DWe to the Roland V71 w/DrumLink
This step-by-step walkthrough will help you connect your DWe Drums to the Roland V71 module via the DrumLink wireless hub. Whether you’re setting up your DWe kit for the first time or integrating a new V71 module, this narrated video walks you through all V71 module screens to pair and calibrate your drums and cymbals, adjust settings and sounds, and get you playing quickly.
DWe & Drum Modules

Connect DWe to the Roland V71 w/DrumLink
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Connect DWe to the Roland TD-50x w/DrumLink

Connect DWe to the Roland TD-27 w/DrumLink
Need More Help?
If you can't find what you are looking for, make sure to check out the DWe help center to access our knowledge base with answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting tips and more.
You can also login with your DW account to create a support ticket if you can;t find the answer to your question.